Onsen Chronicles addressing more than 40 inspiring quotes, featuring portraits of famous authors, celebrities, and newsmakers. It includes the very obscure (quotes from Japanese literary giants such as Natsume Soseki) and the very common (Japanese music superstars and cultural icons’ quotes)
This collection has many unique quotations that you wouldn’t find in any other collection.
ー巻頭エッセイ「日本人にとって温泉とは何か?」by 片岡大介(三木屋十代目主人)
ーForward by 中貝宗治(豊岡市長)
初版第一版 100部 限定ナンバー入り 売切れ
第二版 100部 売切れ
第三版 100部 *メールオーダーにて注文可能です