

By tomolennon, 04/24/2008

“When we look up into the night sky we can see thousands of, billions of stars in the universe. Imagine yourself as the universe. In body, mind and soul. All of your memories and experiences since you were in the comfort womb of your mother. All that is stored and retrieved in this tremendous inner universe. Every single conscious and unconscious memory of past experiences like pleasure, anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, joy, guilt are there just like there are billions of stars and planets in the universe.

Look up into the night sky again. Now you can feel yourself as one with the universe Cosmos of childhood, planet of sorrow, Milky Way of joy… Your inner universe is mirrored upon the sky”- Tomori Nagamoto

G+ GALLERIES is pleased to present “Universe.”, the first solo photography exhibition of promising Japanese artist Tomori Nagamoto.

Currently based in Toronto, Canada, Tomori Nagamoto a.k.a. tomolennon is a contemporary artist born in Japan. Over the past year, Tomori has worked on projects focusing on people and city life that it is both settling comfortably and seductive. He is best known for stylized and idealized figurative portraits of dreaming girls, a series of painting entitled “Sleeping Beauty”. “Universe.” continues in such fashion with the photo media. In large scale photographs, Tomori created portraits of the all encompassing dream of youth, idealization and melancholy.

The exhibition “Universe.” is part of the event to celebrate the 80th Anniversary Japan-Canada Relations which was officially started in 1928 with the opening of a Japanese legation in Ottawa.

50 Gladstone Avenue
Toronto, M6J 3K6 Ontario

Printing sponsored by MarcoRmedia